01409 211308 / 07971 525550 banbury960@aol.com

Derek Gow Photography

Westcountry Wildlife Photography Centre

We now have available a en-suite room available for visitors to Derek Gow’s Westcountry Wildlife Photography Centre.

The room is 4 star AA B&B accommodation and features a double bed and en-suite bathroom. Derek’s photography wildlife centre is just a 5 minute walk away.


En-suite room at £45.00 per person per night and £7.50 for a pack lunch

About Westcountry Wildlife Photography Centre

Derek runs an utterly unique facility, based on his experience of enclosure design for the New Forest Nature Quest project and the Wildwood Centre near Canterbury. He has drawn on over 16 years of experience with wildlife film makers and wildlife photographers to create a series of purpose built wildlife photography and film sets for British Mammals. For more information please visit www.wcwpc.co.uk

Images kindly provided by Derek Gow